Jonah walks in and says:
"Excuse me Mom, can you please be really quiet?" -Jonah
"Sorry, buddy, I didn't know I was talking too loud." -Me
"You're not, I just want Daddy to talk to me now." -Jonah
Jonah is sitting in Sienna's room while she plays with her barbies when I overhear the following:
"Here Jonah, you can be prince charming and marry Princess Ariel." -Sienna
"Noooo!!! I don't want to marry Ariel. I want to marry Swimerella because she likes swimming too." -Jonah
Thanks to facebook and "on this day" I was reminded of a good one from May 16, 2012. Getting out of the pool Jonah yells:
"I'm wearing my naked!!"-Jonah
"No Jonah, you're just wearing you penis" -Sienna
After our favorite baby sitter left one day last week Jonah turns around, hangs his head and slumps his shoulders.
"Oh, it's ok my little man, are you sad because Ms Megan had to leave?" -Me
"No, I'm ang-gey because I am not a gentleman." -Jonah
"Why aren't you a gentleman?" -Me
"Because YOU took Ms Megan's keys away from me and I couldn't open her door." -Jonah
Chivalry is not lost, it is just hiding in a loud, passionate 3 year old!
(Wouldn't you want this little gentleman to be your ring bearer too??)
Riding bikes around the neighborhood, Jonah strikes up a conversation with every breathing creature we pass with this opener he thought of all by himself:
"Hi!! I'm Donah! It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood! What's your name?"
The other night I'm serving a new recipe for dinner so we gear up the kids by singing:
"You gotta try new foods, because it might taste goooo-oood." -All
"But it probably will still taste a little yucky." -Jonah
(New popsicles for dessert weren't cutting it either... How can sugary frozenness be yucky?)
Jonah keeps getting out of his bed during naps and finally comes down and says:
"Moooom, Moooommmy, I can't go nigh night, it's stinky in my room because somebody keeps tooting in here. " Jonah, alone in his room.
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