Me- "Can you tell us what your name is?"
Bash- "Uuuum, Bashy?"
Me- "Can you say Sebastian?"
Bash- "Uuuuum, Piderman?"
Me- "How old are you?"
Bash- "Uuuuuum, good."
Bash- "Uuuuuum, Bashy?"
Me- "Are you two?"
Bash- "Uuummmm, I toot."
Me- "Where is your belly button?"
Bash- (quickly points to belly, pulls shirt back down and rolls over) "Right dere. Don't eat mine riblets!"
Me- "I won't eat your riblets if you can you can give Mommy kisses?"
Bash- "You kiss mine dimples"
Me- "Can you point to your dimples?"
Bash (points to cheek)- "YOU give kisses"
Me- "Do you like playing give kisses?"
Bash- "Play 'get you!'"
Me- "Ooook, you better run or I'm gonna get you and give you kisses!"
Bash- "Weeee who!! Dats pun!! Don't get me!"
Me- "I got you!! Can we play questions some more before you go nigh night?"
Bash- "Uuuuummmm, no. Not right now. You play trains right dere {points to floor}."
Me- "Do you like playing trains with Mommy or Daddy?"
Bash- "Uummmm Daddy. Daddy at work?"
Me- "Yes, Daddy is at work right now. Where's Enna?"
Bash- "Uuuummm, at 'skool"
Me- "That's right! Where is Jonah?"
Bash- "Uuuuummm, on bus"
Me- "Where is Baby Sam?"
Bash- "Uuuuummm, Stam's sweeeping upstairs."
Me- "Who is your best friend? Jonah? Baby Sam?"
Bash- "Uuuuummm, no, Lelo. Right dere."
Me- "Where is Bash?"
Bash- "Uuuuummm, right dere (points to his closet mirror)."
Me- "What is your favorite snack?"
Bash- "Uuuuuum, Jooonah's 'nack."
Me- "What IS Jonah's snack?"
Bash- "Jonah eat it?"
Me- "Do you just like to eat whatever Jonah is eating?"
Bash- "Yeeeesh."
Me- "Can you sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider for me?"
Bash- "You ting itsy pider! Me sit on you lap."
Me- "...The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spo-"
Bash- "Shhh. NO TING! 'Top! No ting!"
Me- "Can you sing it then?"
Bash- "Uuummmm, you ting it. Nicely."
Me- "What is your favorite movie?"
Bash- "I want watch moomie right now. You get moomie right dere! Yet's watch Nee-no!!"
Me- "It's not time to watch a movie right now, I just want to know what movies you like to watch when it's time to."
Bash- "Watch Nee-no!!! Bashy watch Nee-no! Right now."
Bash- "I want watch Nee-no"
Bash- "Neee-no! Neee-no right dere!"
Me- "Sorry Sweetie, we aren't watching shows right now. You have to go take your nappies first."
Bash- "You go take mine nappies."
Love him- hilarious and so TRUE!!!